Louvre Abu Dhabi

FINALLY was my first word when I heard Louvre in Abu Dhabi is about to be opened. And of course I rushed to be among the first ones to visit this ADORABLE place. It is so peaceful, simple, elegant… It made me feel I’m in Europe again! And it makes me jump on the plane and get lost to Paris, for a romantic getaway – for two if possible. So Louvre in Paris is going to see me in the next couple of months for sure. Until then, I’ll keep visiting this one in Abu Dhabi whenever I need a quick Parisian escape. Oh, and what do you think about this outfit? Excusez-moi, I’m in love with it, especially this bag and the blazer!

KONACNO je bila moja prva rec kada sam saznala da se Luvr u Abu Dabiju konacno otvara. I naravno da sam potrcala da budem medju prvima koji ce posetiti ovo zaista PREDIVNO mesto. Mirno, jednostavno, elegantno… Osecala sam se kao da sam ponovo u Evropi! I probudilo mi je jos vecu zelju da uskocim u avion i izgubim se u Parizu, na jedan romantican vikend, u dvoje ako je moguce. Mislim da ce me Luvr u Parizu definitivno videti u narednih par meseci. Do tada, imam gde da pobegnem. Oh, a sta kazete na moj outfit? Excusez-moi, ja ga obozavam, narocito tasnicu i sako!

Ph by: Mizge


Leggings: Zara

Blazer: Zara

Shirt: Zara

Bag: Zara

Bracelets: Pandora & Monili

Slippers: Zara