This morning literally couldn’t start better. Not only have I had a delicious breakfast at the Frioul in Madinat Jumeirah, but I’ve also enjoyed the panel discussion with women who made their dreams possible. As you may know Neutrogena launched its first-ever global integrated marketing campaign under the name “See What’s Possible”. The campaign itself supports female empowerment and also brings to life Neutrogena’s mission to help every woman put her best face forward so that she can achieve her dreams. It was indeed a great pleasure for me to attend such an inspirational event not focused on products, but on the thing that we do not need a magic to change the world, we carry all the power we need inside ourselves already. Small actions, big difference – remember that! So, what do you call a woman who thinks anything is possible? And what do YOU see as possible? Leave me your answer down bellow in the comment section, I’m super excited to read them all.
Moje jutro jednostavno nije moglo početi bolje. Ne samo da sam uživala u doručku Frioul restorana u Madinat Jumeirah, već i u panel diskusiji šest žena koje su ostvarile svoje snove. Naime, Neutrogena je pokrenula prvu globalno integrisanu marketinšku kampanju pod nazivom “See What’s Possible”. Sama kampanja podržava osnaživanje žena i oživljava misiju Neutrogene da pomogne svim ženama da se pokažu u najboljem svetlu i dokažu da mogu ostvariti svoje snove. Moram priznati da mi je zaista bilo veliko zadovoljstvo da prisustvujem jednom ovakvom inspiracionom događaju koji po prvi put nije bio fokusiran na proizvode, već na činjenicu da nam nije potrebna magija kako bismo promenili svet, jer svi već posedujemo tu određenu dozu moći u nama. Sve što treba jeste da verujete u sebe i u ono što radite. A sada me zanima kako zovete ženu koja misli da je sve moguće? I šta vi zapravo mislite da je danas moguće? Čekam vaše odgovoreeeeee…