Well, let’s continue this 10-days trip around Sri Lanka. Next stop is Galle, nice city full of tourists from all around the world. But to be honest, I was more touched by some unknown village on our way from Colombo to Galle. We just wanted to stop along the road to have a coconut water, when we realized that’s the place that was the most affected by tsunami in 2004. Moreover, I was totally lost when I heard that the woman who was selling those coconuts survived the catastrophe together with her daughter, but unfortunately she lost her house and a husband. And she is still smiling, she still thinks that the life is beautiful even though it’s cruel sometimes. After having a long conversation with her and her two lovely kids, I began to appreciate more the things I have…and no matter how many problems we all have sometimes, remember that there’s always someone somewhere having even bigger!
Pa, da nastavimo putešestvije kroz Šri Lanku. Sledeća stanica je Galle, sladak mali grad pun turista iz različitih zemalja širom sveta. Međutim, da budem iskrena, više sam dirnuta nepoznatim selom u koje smo zastale na tom putu. Napravile smo pauzu kako bismo kupile kokos i osvežile se, kada smo zapravo saznale da se nalazimo na mestu koje je najviše nastradalo za vreme cunamija 2004.godine. Šta više, potpuno sam bila izgubljena nakon tužne priče prodavačice kokosa koja je preživela tu katastrofu zajedno sa svojom ćerkom, ali je izgubila muža i krov nad glavom. I i dalje je nasmejana, i dalje smatra da je život lep, iako je ponekad zaista surov. Nakon dugog razgovora sa njom i njenom divnom dečicom, počela sam više da cenim stvari koje imam…i bez obzira kakve probleme svi mi ponekad imamo, zapamtite da neko negde ima mnogo veće!